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10 Questions You Should to Know about five power

Mar. 07, 2024

We’ve all seen leaders who let power go to their heads. They rule with an iron fist, believing their position gives them the authority to do so.

These leaders might succeed in imposing their will on their employees in the short term. But eventually, this management style leads to lower employee engagement, which is bad for business.

A great leader understands the different types of power and knows how to use them in combination with influence tactics. They know this is the best way to achieve results.

But what is power, really?

We’re going to answer that, as well as explain the five different types of power. We’ll also discuss how you can use them to become a more effective leader.

What is power?

Put simply, the definition of power is: having the capacity or ability to act in certain ways or impose your will on others.

But in a work context, people interpret the concept of power in different ways.

Some people see power as something they receive from an external source. This could be an assigned title or position that gives someone control and authority over others.

Other people believe power is an innate quality that can be cultivated internally and that manifests externally. In this sense, a person’s personal power grows as they develop.

True power is a combination of both internal and external power. This means that anyone can access a certain amount of power, regardless of their position in the hierarchy.

Power vs. influence

Powerful leaders have a great capacity to influence others. Their power is based on a combination of their innate leadership qualities and the way others perceive them.

However, having power does not necessarily equate to having influence. The most powerful leaders support and uplift their team members instead of dominating and controlling them.

Also known as servant leaders, those who put the needs and development of their employees first have the greatest influence.

Power and leadership

The most powerful leaders have clarity and self-discipline. This allows them to lead by example.

By modeling disciplined behaviors, they encourage and inspire their team members to do the same. And when employees are self-disciplined, they require less micro-management. This, in turn, increases the leader’s power, creating a virtuous cycle of trust and self-leadership.

Insightfulness is another key aspect of a leader’s power. An insightful leader has the capacity to see the bigger picture and communicate that vision. Their insights give them greater power and influence over their team members.

The greater the impact a leader can have, the more they will be perceived as powerful by their employees. Using your creativity to find solutions, make decisions, and set organizational goals can increase your perceived power among your employees.

Confident leaders also have more power and influence over their subordinates. You can cultivate confidence by acting in line with your values and defending your positions.

Understanding the bases of power

French and Raven, researchers at the University of Michigan, identified five bases — or sources — of social power in 1959:

  1. Legitimate
  2. Reward
  3. Expert
  4. Referent
  5. Coercive

Before diving into the different bases of power, it’s important to understand that they are not all equally effective.

Some types of power may oblige your employees to comply with your demands, but they will fail to win employees’ support. Nonetheless, these types of power can sometimes be useful in situations that require disciplining an employee.

Other types of power are more influential. They help you gain the support and commitment of your employees, leading to better outcomes for your organization.

By understanding the different types of power, you will know which ones are most likely to give positive results. You will also know which power bases you should avoid relying on too heavily.

A great leader knows how to draw on different types of power depending on the situation at hand. So let’s take a look at each power base in more detail.

What are the five types of power?

A study by Gallup found that managers have greater influence over employee well-being and burnout than working hours.

With 76% of employees burning out at some point, this means that as a leader, it’s essential to use your power wisely. Otherwise, you will drive employee disengagement and make your team less productive and more likely to quit. Not to mention, contribute to burnout. 

(Image source)

To be a more effective leader, you must understand the five types of power, how effective each one is, and when it’s appropriate to use them.

Let’s take a look at the different types of power:

1. Legitimate power

This is a type of formal power that you receive when you occupy a certain position in your organization.

Depending on the position, it gives you authority within the company. It also lasts as long as you remain in that role.

This type of power is recognized by subordinates. For this reason, it works well in hierarchical organizations such as the military.

Legitimate power is obtained through demonstrating you have the skills required for the role. Because this type of power is given, it can also be taken away. Effective leaders don’t depend solely on legitimate power. Instead, they use it in combination with others.

2. Reward power

Reward power means having the capacity to offer rewards or benefits in exchange for carrying out a task or achieving a result.

Rewards usually come in the form of raises, benefits, promotions, or public praise. However, this type of power is not always as effective as some leaders think.

It should be relevant and tangible enough to motivate your employees. It should also be something that’s within your power to give and doesn’t depend on your superiors.

This type of power may help achieve results, but it doesn’t necessarily ensure the support or commitment of your employees.

3. Expert power

Expert power comes from having both deep technical knowledge and extensive experience in your field of expertise.

When you’re the expert in your field, people in your company naturally come to you to benefit from your knowledge. Your expertise gives you credibility, and people trust and respect your opinions.

Expert power gives you the ability to influence co-workers across all levels of the organization. This enables you to steer the growth and development of both individual colleagues and the company as a whole.

However, a true expert knows they must continue developing their knowledge and skills to maintain credibility.

4. Referent power

According to Nicole Lipkin, author of “What Keeps Leaders Up At Night,” this is the type of power that gives a leader the greatest influence.

Leaders get referent power through qualities that inspire trust and respect in their colleagues. These include honesty and integrity.

A person who holds referent power has excellent interpersonal skills and exudes confidence. This makes them natural leaders. They listen to their colleagues and offer help and support.

This type of power is internal rather than external. It is a personal power that cannot be handed to you by someone else. As your referent power grows, so too will your capacity to influence your colleagues.

5. Coercive power

Coercive power is one of the most commonly used in many workplaces, yet it is also the least effective.

In fact, Lipkin advises leaders never to use coercive power.

It involves using threats to force people to do your will. They might not agree with what they have to do, but they do it out of fear of repercussions such as losing their jobs.

For example, in many companies, leaders demand constant innovation and new ideas from their employees. Those who don’t measure up face being replaced by someone else.

Although it may work in the short-term, coercive power creates unhappy, disengaged employees and is best avoided. It can also negatively affect employee retention efforts.

What types of power do effective leaders use the most?

Effective leaders know how to draw on the different types of power in different situations. This is usually a skill that develops with experience.

Bear in mind that certain types of power are only effective in situations that require immediate action or resolution.

In the case of employee misconduct, you might use coercion to persuade your employee to stop their inappropriate behavior. Use your discretion to determine whether this is the right course of action.

For the most part, you will rely on softer types of power to encourage employee commitment to organizational goals and plans. These include legitimate, referent, and expert power.

How to use the 5 types of power

It’s important to understand each type of power before looking to apply it. Once you have a good grasp of each one, you can consider ways to apply them at work.

Additional reading:
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  • Understand your goals

    : It’s much easier to create a plan when you know what the end goal is. The same can be said for leadership styles and types of power. Before delegating or motivating your team, understand what you want to achieve in doing so.
  • Understand your team

    : It’s also important to know who you are speaking to and what they value. You can get to know your team better with async check-ins, 1:1 meetings, casual coffee chats, or more structured employee engagement surveys. By familiarizing yourself with your team, you will have a better idea of which power types to use and when.
  • Consider your leadership style

    : Are you a democratic leader who likes to hear from each individual before making a decision? Or do you take a more top-down approach? Different leadership styles feed into and support various types of power, so try to think of them as a cohesive partnership for great leadership.
  • Reflect and revise your approach

    : You might have great success the first time you apply a new type of power. But if it falls flat and does not resonate with your team (or your own values), then try another approach. Remaining flexible and being open to feedback will make the process easier.

Leverage the types of power wisely

The different types of power can give you greater influence, boost employee engagement, and achieve better results for your organization.

Knowing how to use your power is a skill that usually comes with time and experience.

However, you can accelerate the process and become a more influential leader in less time with the support of a coach.

Book a session with one of BetterUp’s expert coaches and start your coaching journey today.

10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Sure You’re in a Healthy Relationship

A note on violence

Physical and emotional violence are always unacceptable. If you or anyone you know has experienced violence in a relationship, call VictimLinkBC 1-800-563-0808. Looking for more information? Our violence and abuse section has information and resources to help you find the support you’re looking for.


Checking in on your relationship every once in a while can help you make sure your relationship is healthy, and that the person you’re seeing is still a good match for you. It will also help you decide if you want to keep on dating them… or if it’s time to rethink things.

To help you figure this out, we came up with 10 questions you can ask yourself about your relationship, and some suggestions for what to do if you think it’s time to make a change.


10 questions to ask yourself about your relationship

1. Do I feel safe with my partner?

People in healthy relationships do their best to make their partners feel safe and comfortable. If they ever unintentionally do something that makes their partner feel the opposite, they should take steps to apologize and fix the situation as soon as they know how the other person is feeling. If they’re making excuses or not listening, that might mean they’re not ready for a healthy relationship. 

TIP: If you’ve been in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation with the person you’re seeing, it’s always best to talk to someone you trust about it. They can help you get a sense of how serious the situation is, and discuss options going forward. If you are feeling unsafe in your relationship, our violence and abuse section has information and resources to help you find the support you’re looking for.


2. Can I be myself when I’m with the person I’m seeing?

We all change a bit when we meet new people, but it’s still important to feel comfortable being your true self around the person you’re dating. Although some change is inevitable, if you’re in a healthy relationship you won’t feel like you constantly have to change the way you act, dress or talk to please your partner.


3. Can I tell them how I really feel?

Being able to respectfully disagree with the person you’re seeing, and being able to be honest with them about your feelings, is a key part of a healthy relationship.

TIP: Think about a time when you had a problem or a concern. Were you comfortable talking to them about it? If so, there’s a good chance you’re in a healthy relationship. If not, you may be in an unhealthy relationship.


4. Do we listen to each other’s concerns?

Good communication goes both ways! If you find that you don’t have time or energy to hear what your partner has to say and understand their needs, it may be that you’re simply not that into them. If that’s the case, you may want to reconsider the relationship.


5. Do I trust the person I’m seeing?

Trust is one of the most important building blocks in any relationship. You should be able to communicate when you feel like something is wrong and trust that your partner can be honest with you. If you feel like your partner is lying to you, is often jealous, or if they do things that make you question your trust, you’re most likely in an unhealthy relationship.


6. Do I hold as much power in the relationship as my partner?

Equality keeps relationships safe and fair. In healthy relationships, people share power and don’t boss each other around. Both of you should be equally committed to the relationship and put time and effort into things like showing affection and communication. If you’re feeling unsure about whether your relationship is fair or not, try talking to friends or family for an outside opinion.


7. Does my partner support me?

Your partner should be your number one fan! People in healthy relationships listen to each other, help out with problems and show support to each other in public and in private – but that doesn’t mean that they blindly support bad behaviour. If you don’t agree with something your partner is doing, you should feel comfortable communicating in a respectful way that doesn’t make your partner feel like they’re being attacked.


8. Do they try things I like?

While you don’t have to like the exact same things, it’s important to try things out that each of you like and is important to you. In a healthy relationship, you support each other in your interests and don’t put each other down.

TIP: Try listing the things you do when you’re with your partner. Then cross off the things from that list that you don’t really like to do. How many things are left? Do both of you enjoy doing these things? Are there any new things that you could explore together? Try the activity together and have a conversation about what you’d like to try together.


9. Do I feel good about myself when I’m with them?

It’s important to make sure you and your partner bring out the best versions of each other. If you or your partner feel bad about yourselves when you’re together, you’re probably in an unhealthy relationship.


10. Are you generally happy in the relationship?

Healthy relationships feel good! While being happy 24/7 is impossible, if you generally feel sad, scared, anxious, uncomfortable, or underappreciated when you are around the other person, or because of your relationship, then there’s something wrong.


What to do if you think you’re in an unhealthy relationship

If your answer to any of the questions above was NO, then it might be time to think about making a change. If this is the case, there are a few things you can try in order to figure out what to do next.


1. Talk to someone else about your feelings: Tell a friend or a trusted adult how you’re feeling. Do your best to explain what makes you uncomfortable about your relationship. We have some tips on talking to someone about what’s going on if you’re not sure how to start the conversation.


2. Talk to the person you’re seeing: If you’re comfortable and think it’s safe, try bringing up your concerns with your partner. Do this in a calm and non-attacking way. Aim for a solution rather than winning the argument.

TIP: Set up your conversation like a sandwich, starting with one positive thing, one negative thing, and then ending in a positive way. For example:

  • Positive: “Hey, I know things have been really hard for you lately and you’ve been doing great keeping up with it all.”

  • Negative: “It made me feel really upset when you raised your voice at me yesterday.” 

  • Positive: “I know you’re coping and this is not you.”

  • Optional – asking them to take the lead on how to resolve the situation: “Do you need some time to yourself, or maybe we can go out somewhere and try to unwind?” 

*There is a fine line between being supportive  and encouraging unhealthy behaviour when a conflict happens. If you find yourself constantly feeling shut out, or needing to prioritize your partner over your personal feelings, that is a sign to rethink the relationship.


3. Step back: If you feel uncomfortable in your relationship or you’ve talked to your partner and nothing has changed, then it may be time to take a step back and re-evaluate. You may find the relationship is no longer serving you. Breaking up with someone is never easy, but it is definitely better than being in an unhealthy relationship.


4. Don’t fall for the ‘sunk cost fallacy’: You may feel that because you’ve spent time and energy on a relationship, that you should stick with it no matter what. This is called the ‘sunk cost fallacy’. Remember that you always have the right to walk away from a relationship that doesn’t feel healthy, at any time.


Relationships are always tough to navigate and every couple is different. These are just a few questions you can ask yourself when you reflect on how healthy your relationship is. Ultimately, you are the one who makes the final call, and you should always feel empowered making a decision that is right for you – whether you think the relationship is healthy and should continue or not.


Keywords: relationships, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, romance, dating, relationship, question, reflection, sex, couple

10 Questions You Should to Know about five power

10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Sure You’re in a Healthy Relationship

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